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Having sex

Can going through menopause affect your sex life? 
Going through the menopause often affects your sex life. Changes in your hormones mean you may feel less desire to have sex during and after menopause.

These changes may mean your vagina feels dry, and this may make it uncomfortable for you to have sex. These changes are a normal part of menopause.

Although you may feel less desire to have sex, when you do have sex, it feels the same for the man. Sexual desire may improve when your menopausal symptoms become less severe.
Dealing with uncomfortable sex

If sex is uncomfortable there are creams and moisturizers that sometimes help with vaginal dryness. Lubricants (gels) can also make sex more comfortable. These can be bought from local pharmacies. Please note these should not have any perfumes or flavourings. Please do not use household products such as cooking oil or Vaseline. This is because they can increase the likelihood of infection and damage condoms if you are using them.
Doctors can also prescribe estrogen cream that can be applied to a dry vagina. This can be used twice a week to relieve painful sex due to menopause.
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